Holiday Mini-Renovations: Lighting Can Set The Mood »

Paying attention to your lighting this holiday season will keep your Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations festive and bright. The right lighting can do wonders for your home, making rooms look bigger and the décor seem fresh and inviting.

March Monthly Household Checklist »

Our March installment on tasks you can do to keep your household running smoothly.

High-end Finishes, Part 3: Baseboard Moldings »

In Part 3 of our series of short articles about what we think qualifies as high-end finishing for homes, we look to the floor for a detail that can really add a quality look to your interior. Large Baseboard and Simple Shoe Moldings One of the differences between a custom home and a home that […]

High-end Finishes, Part 2: Moldings and Trim Detail »

When it comes to installing moldings and trim the better the craftsmanship, the better the look and the better the wear and tear.

High-end details: Line up Window and Door Trim »

This is the first article in a series about high-end details in a custom home. Our first nit-pick is to make sure the trim on windows and doors line up with one another. It takes a little planning, but it is one of my pet peeves if it is not done.

January Monthly Household Checklist »

These reminders can keep your household and major systems running smoothly.