High-end details: Line up Window and Door Trim
By admin on Jan 21, 2010 in High-end Finishes, Tips and Tricks
This is the first installment of our series on high-end details for the interior and exterior of homes.
Part 1: Line up Window and Door Trim
It might sound a little nit-picky, but one of my pet peeves is that the trim on doors and windows should line up. I see this problem all the time in high-end homes, including at recent Vancouver, WA Parade of Homes, and there’s really no excuse for it. When a builder is working on your home they should know that the rough-in heights (when the door or window frame is installed) are different than the finished heights (when the trim is installed). You need to be careful here because a quarter-inch difference in trim height can really make this finish look sub-par. It’s a detail that as a general contractor I pay particular attention to because it’s something that can subtly change the look of a space. Details, details, details… You need to watch and question your installers carefully. And, you better not see it in any of my houses.

The trim of both the window and door are the same heights. This is what you should look for when you are looking at well-crafted homes.
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